Discussion of the project "Regulation from a clean slate" with business representatives

Discussion of the project "Regulation from a clean slate" with business representatives


Discussion of the project "Regulation from a clean slate" with business representatives


Айтмаш Айнур

Today, a brainstorming session took place on the “Regulation from a Clean Slate” project with the participation of the Minister of Digital Development Bagdat Mussin and the First Vice Minister of National Economy Timur Zhaksylykov, as well as representatives of NCE Atameken and business.

At the moment, risk management systems have been formed in all areas of control and registers of mandatory requirements have been defined.

“The risk management system should be built on the basis of data collected in the information systems of state bodies. These data should be used to identify problem areas in various fields of business activity,” said Bagdat Musin.

The Digital Transformation Center team demonstrated the possibilities for developing services provided on the basis of risk management systems, as well as automatic notification of the appointment of inspections. Consider the life cycle of starting a business on the example of a travel operator.

The discussion turned out to be productive with constructive proposals for the interaction of business representatives with government agencies on issues of opening, submitting reports and passing inspections.


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