Kazakhstani GovTech, or transition to a platform model of digitalization

Kazakhstani GovTech, or transition to a platform model of digitalization


Kazakhstani GovTech, or transition to a platform model of digitalization


Айтмаш Айнур

On October 6, the Concept of transition to the platform model of digitalization and the target architecture of the information and communication platform of "electronic government" developed by the Center's employees were discussed with representatives of the IT market and the Ministry of Digital Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 

The need to build a fundamentally new architecture of "digital government" was voiced in the message of the Head of State "The unity of the people and systemic reforms are a solid foundation for the country's prosperity." With this approach, all IT-initiatives of the public sector will be based only on the new platform of the Kazakhstani GovTech. 

The digitalization platform model should ensure the formation of a single integrated organizational and technical ecosystem, which involves the effective solution of issues of interdepartmental interaction, the integration of existing state information systems based on the unity of data and reengineering of public administration processes. 

The point of a platform solution is to maintain unified components and reuse services, provide proactive scenario services based on data and transactional history, and use software written on certain technology sets (“stack”) and according to the “open source” principle. 

During the meeting, constructive comments and good proposals on the draft Concept were received, which will certainly be taken into account in the final versions of the relevant documents.


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